Commitment to Quality

At New Vista, we are committed to supplying our customers with reliable, high-quality thread gaging and chasing solutions.  This year, we are honored that these efforts have been recognized by New Vista’s placement in the top five of this year’s Quality Magazine Leadership Survey.  From the interview with Quality: The view from New Vista Corp.…Read More

Thread Gaging With Robots

Are you already using one or more robots for material handling but still gaging threads by hand?  In the past, manufacturers relied solely on human operators to load and unload material and perform part inspections.  However, the use of robots has improved production efficiency and reduced the risk of workplace injuries. This technology has allowed…Read More

Single Pass GO/NO GO Thread Gaging

Many manufacturers are required to both “GO” and “NO GO” gage threaded features in their parts, but why use two gages when you could use one?  In traditional thread gaging, separate “GO” and “NO GO” thread plugs are used to ensure that a thread’s pitch is neither undersize or oversize.  New Vista’s combination “GO/NO GO”…Read More

Tool Compliance in Powered Thread Gaging

Misalignment is a fact of life in powered thread gaging and thread cleanout. You can’t avoid it. So how do you prevent, in real life, having the thread gage member jam in a good thread because of misalignment issues? New Vista’s patented torque control mechanism prevents damage even when misalignment is a factor, but for…Read More

What kind of Tools are used for Cleanout?

Cleanout Tap Cleanout taps are commonly used to clear moderate to heavy contamination (like weld spatter, thick paint, and rust) out of existing threaded holes. These tools feature a pitch diameter that is tapered on both the front and rear portions of the thread with the middle portion reaching near the full pitch diameter of…Read More

Thread Quality Control Series: Thread Remediation

The purpose of thread quality control is to ensure that two mating parts will assemble correctly. This assembly can be impeded by missing threads, incorrect thread sizes, or all too often, obstructions in the thread (such as weld spatter or broken tools). In most cases, confirmation of the thread quality can be assured by the…Read More

Powered Thread Gaging: At Your Fingertips

The trend to replace hand gaging with powered thread verification is a prime example of technology making manufacturing safer & more efficient. Gaging threaded features has traditionally been done by hand, however, this is often tedious and allows room for operator error or injury. That’s where the New Vista Handheld RT Thread Unit comes in.…Read More

Thread Quality Control Series: Pipe Threads

Pipe threads are manufactured in many forms, but the most common types are straight and tapered threads. Straight pipe threads are gaged with the “GO” & “NO GO” process like regular threads, but tapered pipe threads require an entirely different gaging method: A series of one to three “L” checks. In this video, we’ll cover…Read More

Contact vs Non-Contact Thread Gaging

What is the best way to guarantee that a glove fits? You could measure every feature of the glove, but you will only be confident in the fit when you try it on. The same considerations must be made when choosing between contact and non-contact thread verification methods. In the example above, contact gaging is…Read More

Thread Quality Control Series: Powered Gaging of Tapered Pipe Threads

Pipe threads are manufactured in many forms, but the most common types are straight and tapered threads. Straight pipe threads are gaged with the “GO” & “NO GO” process like regular threads, but tapered pipe threads require an entirely different gaging method: A series of L checks. The 3 main types of L checks are…Read More